Monday, 8 June 2009

Today was pretty much like any other day.
Ugh, I hate school.
Us Year 8's get to go to Alton Towers at the end of the year XD.
I haven't been since I was like 4 so, it shall be an adventure.

Not much more else to say.


Sunday, 7 June 2009


Hello blog readers.
Now, I realise that noone is reading this probably, but still, it's fun =[]!
I've just made my blogspot and quite frankly, I'm proud :).
I'm weird like that..

I'm supposed to say something right?
O yeah.

Well, today was pretty suckish, but all Sunday's are suckish, anyone else like to agree?
I woke up after having a bad dream about having a fight with this girl at my school then turning into Bella from New Moon when she goes all kerraazzyy because Edward leaves.
Except I just go crazy out of anger.
It was indeed, VERY strange.

I then did my homework (o joy of joys) and then went on MSN for a bit.
It rained today :(.
Isn't it Summer?!
It shouldn't be raining, it should be sunny!
Jesus *rolling eyes*.

I did have a mighty fine Sunday roast though :D.
I fell like a whale now though :(.
I eat too much.

What can I say?
I like food.
Alot :).

Bibi for now.